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Sixth Form Dress Code

It is intended that Sixth Form students can retain some flexibility in their choice of what to wear within what is essentially a broad ‘uniform’ appropriate for a well-ordered learning environment. The Head of Sixth Form reserves the right to decide what is appropriate and what is not. If in doubt, check first.

Coats cannot be worn anywhere in the building apart from the Hub and Sixth Form students must wear their lanyards and ID/Access cards at all times.

The school operates a 'Dress Down Friday' each week for Sixth Form students. 

Monday to Thursday and for all examinations the Sixth Form Dress Code is: 

Expected Sixth Form Dress Code Items that do not meet our Dress Code

Tailored (suit style) trousers/skirt/dress (no more than 10cm above the knee)

Formal shirt/blouse/top (if identifying as female/non-binary)

Formal collared shirt and tie (if identifying as a male/non-binary)

Formal shoes or boots


Smart knitwear (no logos)

Suit jacket/blazer

N.B Earrings, if worn, should be a single stud or hoop not multiple in an ear.
Facial piercings are not permitted except for a single nose stud.

Hair colour should be kept to natural shades

Tracksuits or any spotswear

Hooded tops/sweatshirts

Denim (jacket or trousers)




Polo shirts (long or shirt sleeved)


Casual boots


Clothing with logos/branding

Strappy tops

Exposed midriffs

Low-cut tops

The final decision of what is permisssable lies with the school.

Students may be sent home to change if in breach of the Sixth Form Dress Code.