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Christian Life at Bishop Ramsey

Christian Life at Bishop Ramsey

Bishop Ramsey: a Church of England school seeking to live and share the Christian Faith.

‘For wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.’ (Proverbs 8:11)

As such we affirm the spiritual dimension of life. The school Chapel lies at the heart of our school building and the Cross window is a clear landmark. We encourage our students to develop holistically as human beings through the nurture of their character.  At Bishop Ramsey we follow the Church of England's vision for education which focuses on John 10:10 "Life in all its Fullness." This is defined within three areas of school life - Learning, Loving, Living.

Worship at Bishop Ramsey

As a Christian Learning Community we seek to affirm the spiritual dimension of life. Worship of God is central to the life of the school – from this we see the need for intentional care of students, parents, staff and trustees, touching every aspect of our community life.

In spite of the size of the school and our own human limitations, we believe that we can continue to grow in our Christian life together. As a Church school, we encourage honest enquiry in the search for religious truth and integrity.

The established pattern of worship at Bishop Ramsey is centred around the Holy Communion Service of the Church of England. In the spirit of the school’s namesake, Bishop Ian Ramsey – we seek to create space where students ‘may search for a faith by which to live’. Each school day begins with silent reflection at muster followed by Christian assemblies or Form prayers. Weekly Staff Prayers and Staff Eucharists also form a part of the cycle of worship and contemplative reflection.

The Chapel is used for Morning Prayer, creative contemplative prayer spaces, sung worship, both led and informal prayer groups and the Christian Union. Each student takes part in three Communion Services each year, both in our Main Hall and at one of our local parish churches. We actively invite clergy from churches in the London Diocese to speak in assemblies and preside at our services.

Each Form elects Worship prefects who are responsible for working as part of the wider Chaplaincy team, to facilitate Form Prayers and year group Eucharists. Two of our Deputy Head students, who have specific responsibility for Chaplaincy work, also lead some of the student worship elements of school life.

The Virtue Project

The Virtue Project focuses on character education. By encouraging students to develop the character virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Compassion, Justice, Humility and Integrity, we aim to help them self-evaluate their character and empower them to self-determine the person they will become.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires." Galatians 5:22-24