How do we meet the requirements of the 16 – 19 study programme?
All ESFA funded education for 16 to 19 year olds should be delivered as a study programme which combines qualifications and other activities, and which is tailored to each student’s prior attainment and career goals.
Every study programme must have a core aim. For the majority of students, this will be either the study of substantial technical, applied or academic qualification(s) or preparation for employment
- Bishop Ramsey School offers a Level 3 programme composed of A Level qualifications and we offer a wide range of courses.
- Bishop Ramsey does not offer retakes in GCSE English or mathematics and this is clearly outlined in the Admissions Citriteria.
All study programmes should include work experience and non-qualification activities which complement the other elements of the programme and support the student to progress to further or higher education or to employment. The non-qualification activity should develop students’ character, skills, attitudes and confidence.
- Students in our Sixth Form are expected to take part in a number of activities which provide them with opportunity to develop a range of personal skills.
- Form time is used effectively to discuss a range of important issues and develop key skills. One-to-one meetings with Tutors support Post-18 progression.
- All students are required to take part in Community Service over the course of the academic year – this involves offering support in lessons, assisting the librarian or Science technicians. Many students also do Community work outside school with youth groups, charity shops etc.
- Every student in Year 12 takes part in a ‘Crime of your life ‘day where students take part in a range of activities related to Crime in society.
- Character education is a particular theme at Bishop Ramsey; our Virtue Project is supported by assemblies, form activities and lectures.
- All students attend a University and Apprenticeship fair at Brunel University in Year 12. A range of speakers and visits are organised to support students in choosing their pathway Post-18. A careers advisor is available for one-to-one interviews.
- Students in Year 12 are expected to actively seek work experience placements in July; some students supplement their programme with work experience if their course reduces to one or two A Levels.