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Pupil Premium & Free School Meals
We believe that all children should be equally valued at Bishop Ramsey. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. We have a rage of agreed policies.
We are committed to inclusion and part of the school's strategic planning involves developing cultures, policies and practices that include all learners. We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways that take into account their varied life experiences and needs.
We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, demographic group, ethnicity, additional need, attainment and background. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:
- Students from families that are financially disadvantaged (PP - Pupil Premium or FSM - Free School Meals)
- Students who arrive with below nationally expected ability in any area
- Boys or girls
- Students from minority faiths, ethnicities, travellers, asylum seekers, refugees
- Students who have English as an additional language (EAL)
- Students who have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Students who are most able (HAPs)
- Students from Service families
- Students who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)
- Students who are Looked After Children (CLA).
Pupil Premium Provision
Equality of opportunity, and the removal of all barriers to that equality, is a key rationale to the decisions that we make at Bishop Ramsey.
Our policies and provision aim to remove the obstacles which prevent young people from achieving in life and we actively promote a culture and environment without prejudice and discrimination. Given that all students do not begin their secondary education from the same starting point, we will actively provide opportunities for those students who have faced disadvantage in their past, in order to ensure that everyone can achieve in a community which is built around our core values.
Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) applies to students from families who have been disadvantaged at some point in the last six years and, along with students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM), the school is able to provide additional funds and resources to counteract any disadvantage. If a student is eligible for either PPG or FSM, all matters regarding the use of this fund will be treated with discretion and in confidence.
Parents and Carers can check their eligibility for FSM, and apply online, without having to discuss the details of their circumstances with anyone at the school.
Post-Looked After Arrangements
Adopted children are included by the DfE within a wider group collectively referred to as post-LAC (looked after child). Other children within this group include those who left local authority (LA) care on a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) or Child Arrangements Order (CAO). All children in these groups are eligible for post-LAC premium funding. Similar to other types of Pupil Premium, the purpose of post-LAC premium is to raise educational attainment and close the gap between these children and their peers. The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to us to improve the educational and personal outcomes for students who have been adopted from care, including (but not limited to) their attainment.