
Assessment reflects the formal and informal judgements made by teachers and students about standards of work and provides a rigorous and effective way to determine students’ progress.

In class assessment

Assessment during a lesson is used regularly to inform teaching and learning and identify any areas for improvement. This includes low stakes quizzes, questioning and tasks and helps the teacher establish an understanding of gaps in knowledge and/or skills at individual and whole class level and identify ways of addressing these gaps.

More formal assessment opportunities throughout the year are used to track and evaluate learning and progress across a range of topics in half term assessments and provides an indication of current levels of attainment which can be checked against targets.

Work undertaken by students in class or during a formal assessment receives feedback (either written or verbal) to enable them to know and understand the progress they are making, and the next steps needed to inform them how they can continue to improve. Where next steps are needed, lesson time is given for students to respond to this.

Formal assessments

Each year group has a formal Assessment Week in which they will complete summative assessments in each of their subjects.

Before the assessments, students are given information and revision materials to help them prepare thoroughly. Students also complete a pre-exam sheet to identify the topics they may find difficult, successful strategies they have used in the past and how they plan to prepare for these assessments.

During the assessment window, assessments are completed in normal lesson time for each subject. Each department then ensures that each assessment is marked accurately, with standardisation taking place inside department areas.

Following each assessment, teachers provide feedback that highlights the strengths and next steps needed to improve. Students are given time to reflect on their work and respond to this feedback to help drive progress. Individual subject areas also look at the assessment data to review the progress of the cohort and plan to address any areas of need through the curriculum or additional intervention.

In addition, students in Year 11 and Year 13 have scheduled Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs) to prepare them for their external examinations.

The school reports the assessment of student performance, progress and current attitudes to learning three times a year and a Subject Parents’ Evening is held once per year to provide verbal feedback.

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Assessment Policy 25 Jun 2024 Download