Lockers are available to students in Years 7-13, as required. On entry into Year 7 and Year 12 there is the option to pay the locker rental via ParentPay.
If a locker is required during Years 8 - 11, a reduced rental rate is available. Please email Mrs Jenkins at to request a locker. She will arrange for it to be added to ParentPay and then issue the locker to the student on receipt of payment.
Locker rates -
5 years (Year 7) - £42
4 years (Year 8) - £35
3 years (Year 9) - £28
2 years (Year 10/12) - £21
1 year (Year 11/Year 13) - £14
Locker rental is reinvested into the upkeep of the lockers by the Friends of Bishop Ramsey (FBR), who finance and maintain them.