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Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum is based on John 10:10 'I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness'. For us, this means that we ensure that all the learning activities we offer our students contribute to one or more of the three pillars of:

Learning so that every learner is an empowered learner, and every lesson is an excellent lesson

Loving so that every day at school is a rich experience and every relationship is a positive encounter

Living so that students learn to look outwards to the world and beyond to God

The diagram shown displays what this means for us and how we achieve it.

Our School Development Plan, Subject Curriculum Maps and Learning Journeys ensure that everything we do contributes to the growth in Learning, Loving and Living of our students.

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Our curriculum is delivered in 50 lessons per fortnight (five one-hour lessons each day). Each subject has its own Programmes of Study which have been developed by our specialist teachers, outlining the sequence of lessons, and can be found on the subject pages.

Key Stage 3 (KS3)

Our curriculum at Key Stage 3 is three years, delivered to all students in Years 7, 8 and 9, and is the beginning of our students' learning journey at Bishop Ramsey. The focus is on ensuring full development of the skills and knowledge required for each subject area before making choices for study in Key Stage 4. A broad and balanced approach ensures that students benefit from a wide range of subjects and helps to develop them into well-rounded individuals.

Ks3 lesson allocation

Key Stage 4 (KS4)

Year 10 and 11 students begin their Key Stage 4, studying a range of core subjects, a humanities subject and a modern foreign language, alongside those chosen to begin personalising their learning journey, including GCSEs and several vocational qualifications. The majority of our students study the full suite of EBacc qualifications at KS4 through to GCSE.

Ks4 lesson allocation

Key Stage 5 (KS5)

Many of our students continue into our Sixth Form and we welcome many who wish to join us from other schools. All students will select 3 A Levels to study during their time here, with some choosing to complement these with an Extended Project Qualification, Core Maths or Further Maths qualification. All students engage in a comprehensive PSHCE curriculum throughout their time in the Sixth Form which supports their personal development alongside their post-18 applications and aspirations. General sport sessions are also offered. Further details about the Sixth Form can be found in the Sixth Form section.