Performance Data

Summary of the Department for Education's data for the Summer 2024 Examination Series for Bishop Ramsey CE School.

Key Stage 4 Summer 2024 

GCSE Summary Data Percentage/score
Category: English and Maths    
Both Subjects 5 or Above 59%
Both Subjects 4 or Above  80%
Category: Progress 8   
Progress 8 Score 0.2
Attainment 8 54
EBacc Progress 8 0.26
Category: Baccalaureate   
English 4 or Above 90%
Maths 4 or Above 81%
Science 4 or Above 80%
Humanities 4 or Above 80%
Languages 4 or Above 82%
Achieving standard pass English Baccalaureate  30%
Achieving strong pass English Baccalaureate 22%

 Key Stage 5 Summer 2024 

A Level Summary  

A* to A Grades


A* to B Grades 40%
A* to C Grades 68%
A* to D Grades 88%
A* to E Grades 98%
A Level Value Added -0.04
Academic APS (Per Entry) 30.93

The School's performance and data on the Department for Education website can be viewed via the link below

DfE Performance data for Bishop Ramsey CE School